Help Topics
- What are Templates?
- Creating Templates
- Editing/Deleting Templates
- Settings
- Fields
- Permissions
- Actions
- Rules
- Template Default Values
- Hiding Built-in Fields
- Cadence
- Case Number Template
- Title Template
What are Templates?
Templates are used as a framework for your Records and Cases. They define what types of information should be captured to describe a particular incident. Templates consist of a set of Fields, Permissions, Actions, and Rules. We will discuss each below.
Creating Templates
To create a new template, navigate to the top right and click the “Create New Template” button. This will present the popup shown below:
The Template creation popup with have the following options:
- Title - Title of the Template
- Description - A brief description that describes the use of the template
- Settings, Fields, Permissions, Actions, and Rules - Refer to the corresponding sections below for more information.
Editing / Deleting Templates
To edit or remove a Template first select a Template from the table, which will show you the following details:
Editing Templates
To edit a Template make any desired changes and click the "Save" button in the bottom right to apply.
Deleting Templates
To delete a Template, click on the "Delete" button in the bottom left. This will open a confirmation dialog asking you to enter the Template's title to verify that the correct one will be deleted. Once the title has been entered, click "Delete" in the bottom right to delete it.
Important: Deleting a Template will not affect existing Records/Cases.
The Settings tab contains the following editable properties of the template:
- Inherited From - Use this to pull in information from another template. For instance, you may have a general template known as “Facilities Issues” which requires a basic set of information (People involved, Dates of occurrence). From there, you could make an “Elevator Entrapment” Template that inherits from the “Facilities Issue” template. This way, only a handful of additional Fields need to be added, e.g. an elevator identification number.
- Creatable from API - Enables Records/Cases to be created via the Cases API. This needs to be enabled in order to raise events from Enterprise or Operations into Cases.
- Default Severity Level - Sets the initial severity-level used when the Record/Case is created.
All Fields in a template need to be contained inside a section. For example, in a “Breaking and Entering” Template you may want to include sections for location, any damage or loss, and a summary. You can have as many or as few sections as you would like.
Each section contains the following editable properties:
- Title - Title of the Section
- Description - A brief description that describes the use of the section
- Layout - The location of the section when record handling
Each section will show the following information about each Field:
- Title - Title of the Field
- Data Type - What kind of data the field stores
- Data Source - Indicates if this Field will be selected/populated from a predefined list, created in the data sources section
- Allow Files - Will show a check mark here if the Field permits a file upload; such as images of damage to company property, etc.
- Required On Record - Indicates if the Field needs to be completed to save the record
- Record Permissions - Shows the view and edit permissions of the record for your various teams
- Required on Case - Indicates if the Field needs to be completed to save the Case
- Case Permissions - Shows the view and edit permissions of the Case for your various teams
Adding Fields
To add Fields to a section, click the “Add Fields” button at the bottom of the section. This will give you a list of all the Fields that have not already been added to the template.
You can search for a Field or scroll through the list, then simply check the Fields you want to add and click “Add” at the bottom of the list.(You may need to scroll the template window and the Fields list to see this).
It is also possible to quickly create new Fields by clicking the “Create New Field” button at the top of the list. To learn more about creating Fields, click here.
Editing Fields
Once a field has been added to a template It is possible to edit the following properties for each field:
- Required On Record
- Record Permissions
- Required on Case
- Case Permissions
Once any desired changes have been made, click the "Save" button in the bottom right to apply.
Removing Fields
To remove a Field from a template, click on the button on the far right side of the field. This will instantly remove the Field, but the change won’t be applied until the "Save" button has been clicked.
Important: Removing a Field will NOT remove it from existing Cases, but future Cases will no longer contain the Field.
Ordering Fields
To reorder Fields in a section, click and drag the icon and move the Field to its desired location.
The Permissions tab contains the following editable properties:
- Record Permissions - The Record Permissions set what user-type can view and edit the template when it is used as a Record
- Case Permissions - The Record Permissions set what user-type can view and edit the template when it is used as a Case
Actions provide a To-Do list of responses to a Record / Case. Some may be required in order to close out the Record / Case, but others may be optional.
Each Action added will have the following properties:
- Title - Title of the Action.
- Required on Record - Determines whether the Action needs to be completed to close a Record
- Required on Case - Determines whether the Action needs to be completed to close a Case
The Rules tab allows you to add previously created Rules to the Template.
Each Rule added will have the following properties:
- Title - Title of the Rule, this dropdown shows all of the available Rules that can be selected
- Run on Case - Determines whether the rule will be active when the template is used as a Case
- Run on Record - Determines whether the rule will be active when the template is used as a Record.
Template Default Values
Within a template, you can set default values for fields. Field values set in this way will be included in templates that inherit from this one.
In Template settings, on the fields list, you will see a keyboard button next to the remove button. This button will be white if no default is set
Clicking this button will hide many of the columns to show a control to enter the field value
Once entered, you can click Back to return to the normal view. You can click Clear to remove the default value
When a field has a default value set, the button will show teal
Hiding Built-in Fields
Sometimes it may not be applicable to use all of the built in fields for a case, therefore it is possible to hide these fields from records and cases.
Select a Template to edit and navigate to the Settings tab. By using the Hide Built-in Fields selector you'll be able to select which fields you want to be hidden. If left blank, then none of the fields will be hidden and will all be shown in cases/Records.
It is possible to hide the following built in Fields:
- Status
- Severity
- Affected Areas
- Links
- Tags
The built in fields marked as hidden will not appear in the side bar when creating a record or when handling a record/Case.
Cadence has the ability to have records created a fixed period after a previous one has been closed. This will copy across specified fields from the previous closed record.
Select a Template to edit and navigate to the Cadence tab, then you will have to following options for cadence:
- Template: The Template to use for the new record, leave empty to use the current template. If set then the record will be created using the selected template, provided that the template has it's cadence details specified.
- Fields: The fields that will be copied over to the new record. If left blank, then none of the fields will be copied over.
It is possible to copy over the following Fields:- Title
- Summary
- Severity
- Affected Areas
- Tags
- Any custom fields that have been added to the template
- Period: The amount of days to wait after the record is closed before creating the new record.
Records and Cases
When creating a record or when handling a Record/Case which has its cadence details set, the sidebar will display the following cadence details:
- Cadence Enabled: Enables/Disables cadence for the Record/Case
- Days Cadence: The period of days specified in the template.
Case Number Template
By setting a case number format on a template, you can customize how records with that template will get case numbers.
By default, case numbers will be a simple increasing number (1, 2, 3).
With a format, you can mix in text, as well as years and months, as well as having a fixed length on the case number itself (eg, SV-2021-00001)
Open Template setup. You'll be able to set the format by typing text and clicking the buttons to add placeholders.
If the format is left blank, then it will use the simple case number.
If you have the same formats for multiple templates, they will not overlap case numbers. However, if two templates have different formats, then you will see the same base number used on each
For example, if template A has the format "SV-[Case number]" and template B has the format "SV-[Year]-[CaseNumber]" then you will see both SV-000001 and SV-2021-000001
Title Template
The title template is a setting on the Template Setup view which allows for an operator to pre-define an auto-generated title based on the certain field types that belong to a template. Once set a user will be unable to manually alter the title, and can only do so by editing the selected field values.
Allowed Field Types
- Text (not text area)
- Date and Date Time
- Number
- List (single and multiple, but not list-data)
Set up
To create an auto-generated template title, select the "Title template" checkbox, from here you can type can text required and select the position of the possible fields attached to the template (note: the same field can be selected multiple times)
Once a case is created with a template with this flag enabled, the title control will be read-only and advise the user that the title is auto-generated
Once that case is first saved the title will be updated (note: if the fields required are not given a value at before first save they will be blank)
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